Okay, the kids needed haircuts and I thought...."let's just run into AC and get a quick little trim at the cheap little "Gr**t Cl*ps". Easy peasy and we will be done. Right.......no, wrong. Good Gawd Almighty....
There was two people working in that place when we got there. One was actively cutting a girl's hair when we got there. Jack went first with the unoccupied "beautician"---after her smoke break. His hair is nuts anyway and she cleaned it up with the clippers and was done in a few minutes. All good--or good enough, anyway. (The other lady was still cutting that same girl's hair.)
Then, it was Julia's turn. She has recently dyed her hair blood red and wanted an appropriately trendy haircut to go with it. The goal was this....which we explained in extensive detail....

So, we got this in the front....which looks EXACTLY the same as it did yesterday.

There was no change whatsoever---which is fine. We wanted the length in the very front to stay essentially the same.
Then comes the back......
Let me preface this by saying there was some "creative combing" and "creative spraying" done while we were there to disguise the reality of this situation or I would obviously have blown a gasket right there. Let me also say that before I took this picture I combed through this hair and made sure it was in no way tucked into her collar so you could see the full effect. And I also made her stand perfectly straight.

Yes, for real. No shit. I kid you not. Dont you like that long piece in the middle....it is my favorite. Apparently she was also telling Julia the entire time that "it looks crooked because your hair is so thick". It is funny that as we came out Julia had a weird look on her face and I actually asked her if everything was ok before we even pulled out of the parking space. Doesnt it stink that kids feel like they cant speak up for themselves when being told what to do by an adult, even when they know they are in the right? I was out of earshot and watching the other two kids and she was on her own with the painfully substandard scissor-wielder who was blaming her inadequacy on my poor kids beautiful thick hair the entire time.
So, next time you think about a quicky cheapo haircut, DONT DO IT. Get a real hairdresser with her own chair that is paying for her own insurance. Tina, can you come to TN tomorrow please? I get to spend tomorrow demanding my money back and finding someone to fix this....honestly, it shouldnt be too hard. What hairdresser in her right mind wouldnt gasp in horror and then drag her immediately to a nice lifty chair?!
And BTW, when we left, the other hairdresser was still cutting the same girl's hair as when we come in.....we were there almost an hour. I would hate to see her hair tonight.