First, because she is oldest and deserves some respect as the head honcho, is Molly. She is a doberman and was named after Mrs Molly Weasley because they both are sweet, but a little scary.
Next is Bella. She is the prissy indoor doggie that really wants to be a roughhousing outdoor doggie. She is a Boston Terrier named after Bellatrix Lestrange or Bella Swan--it depends who in the house you ask. She and the Baby Girl are the best of friends since they get to hang out together all day. Baby Girl likes to "help" her take naps with really big blanket covers.
Continuing on with "indoor pets" we have these lovelies. These are Chris's- because he likes reptilely kinds of things. It is a sickness. Anyway, they are really more of observation-type pets as they really dont enjoy hugs and kisses much at all...thank goodness.
This is El homage to his place of orgin, i think. Not cuddly at all. Rather ornery, in fact.
This, in no particular order because I cant tell them apart anyway, is Fyrtle and Myrtle. They are turtles obviously and Baby Boy named them. Creative isnt he...
And the last of the indoor pets, Dumpy. He is a Dumpy Tree Frog. See, more creative naming on our part.
To wrap up this little party we have the "livestock". These are mine. They make me have to go to the feed store and feel all farmery. I dont name them, but they are "the girls". I pretend those two roosters dont exist. Roosters, BOO!
Not particularly friendly or cuddly, but excellent providers of these...
And for that we thank them because we are low carb people and low carb people eat a truckload of eggs.
So, that's it. Chris wants some goats to keep him from having to mow the grass, but that requires lots of fence and fences are cost prohibitive. So, for now he will just have to mow.
We are also getting another bunch of baby chicks later in the month so you will meet them soon enough.
Chris should also know that dogs eat goats. Even cute little mini daschunds turn into vicious weenie beasties and rip to shreds that which is most dear to the male goat, requiring the emergency vet to do an emergency goat dejeweling house call on Easter Sunday. Be warned.