A picture is worth a thousand words so here are a couple to prove that you need to come visit us. It is pretty darn nice here. Ignore that goofy couple that kept getting in the picture. It was their anniversary and they couldnt help getting in the way of the pretty landscape.
This is the Batman Building....
We are horrible iphone photographers....off with their heads!!
Chris trying his hand at the backwards pushing of the photo button...
My turn...
We give up after this one and just take city pics since you cant see the backdrop over our big, fat heads...
This is some artistic thing, but I dont know its name. We will call it "broken rollercoaster" because that is what it looks like.
See, it's pretty here. And we have lots of things to do. So, come and visit us!!
Also, if you are in the market for a cowboy boot or western style head covering...this is the place to be. Just so you know...
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