She is a little low on brain power, generally, but she has a couple of areas in which she excels. She can run like the wind, for one thing. She can catch birds in mid-air. And she can find moles and catch them like you have never seen.
Why any mole would want to live in Tennessee I cannot understand. I realize that they probably dont think about their relocation options very often, but they should. Tennessee dirt is incredibly hard and can barely be called dirt at all. It is clay mixed with rock and I feel certain also with Quikcrete. This has not ever stopped the moles or Molly either for that matter.
I walked by our window this morning and saw her with one foot in the air and her nose on the ground, so I stuck around to watch. I didnt have to wait long because the entire process took about 15 seconds.
She lifted one foot and then the other foot, she sniffed the ground in two places and then she literally jumped in the air and landed digging. She did 3 swipes with the paws and had a hole. She stuck her long skinny nose in there and pulled out this thing...

I mean seriously, how gross is that?! Chris is a freak...I would never pick that disgusting thing up.
This is the entire hole she made. She is very efficient. One rain will wash the hole away, but I am sure that little tunnely thing the mole made will be a mushy, muddy spot when it caves in.
Go Molly! You are our hero of the day!
Props to Molly. All our moles have drowned, as our yard is afloat.