Anyway, we had an awesome party....what else could we do? Aunt Katelyn came in town special, just for the occasion. And Chris traded birthdays with her to accommodate her guests. ("Thank you, daddy!!")
Here are the pics of our baby doll.
It was Princess themed....of course. This is the "cake".
And the setup.
Caris and Aunt Katelyn....Caris is eating her birthday gift from her brother.....a cinnamon bun. Dont ask me, he just showed up with it?!
You can also see my punch bowl in the background. Hand me down from Nanny and the first time we've gotten to use it!
We had pizza for lunch.....papa was a bit messy by the end.
She changed outfits about 5 times during the shindig. Her wings are getting a little old and pitiful.
She is 3!!
This is Caris telling Julia and Tori, "Stop messin' wif my TOYS!!!"
The new Tink outfit, with slippers and video....
The new coffee pot....we drink alot of coffee around here and Caris has been jealous for awhile. They dont make a lot of play kitchen coffee mugs. We got the drips and makes noise and everything.
We love the crap out of this kid. She is terrific!!
yes she is!!!